Winter has come (i.e. in Poland a snow has fallen at last) ! And with it, a real gem for collectors of 6mm scale miniatures. We decided to introduce a regular preorder system of our sets (which is new to us).
The first wave, which will be released in this quarter, will consist 4 different units, of which as many as 3 wear greatcoats. It is an excellent proposition for everyone who would like to paint the units in a version for winter and late autumn conditions. The following sets are available for pre-sale:
- Confederate infantry in winter uniforms,
- Union infantry in winter uniforms,
- Union infantry in winter uniforms (in the Western theater of operations)
- Highland infantry (this unit, long awaited by all fans of the British army, is the only one here in the “summer” version).
If you’d like to recreate the Battle of Fredericksburg, the Battle of Fort Donelson, or Nashville, these sets are perfect for you.
Pre-orderers will of course have priority in shipping when the sets are available for sale.
The sets can be ordered here:
All sets will be 3D printed (resin). They have a fantastic sculpture, great and easy to paint detail and are highly praised by customers who had the opportunity to paint them. Below are photos of some of our other sets that are 3D printed (click to enlarge them).
What exactly will these sets contain? I invite you to read the next paragraphs.
3 Confederate Infantry Brigades in Winter Uniforms
Sewn by wives and mothers, captured from the enemy, and sometimes even obtained from military supplies, the greatcoats helped the Confederate infantry to survive the harsh conditions of winter.
This set includes 15 regular, 3 command, 3 drummer strips with 4 miniatures per each, totalling 84 miniatures.
As in the case of the Confederates, the figurines will have different headgear, infantrymen in 4 different poses, flag sergeant, drummer and officer with a saber extended forward. Everyone will be wearing greatcoats. Privates keep their rifles in the “shoulder arms” position (according to the regulations, on the right shoulder).

3 Union Infantry Brigades in Winter Uniforms
Due to the high industrialization of the North, every soldier of the Union army could count on receiving a warm greatcoat, thanks to which he was able to march and fight in the harsh conditions of winter.
This set includes 15 regular, 3 command, 3 drummer strips with 4 miniatures per each, totalling 84 miniatures.
This set will include 4 types of privates in different poses, two flag sergeants, a drummer and an officer with a saber extended forward. Of course, everyone will be wearing greatcoats and kepis. Privates hold their rifles in the “shoulder arms” position (according to the regulations, on the right shoulder).
3 Union Infantry Brigades (Western Theater) in Winter Uniforms
Although the best supplies went to the eastern theater of ACW, the high industrialization of the North meant that also in the western theater every soldier of the Union army could count on receiving a warm greatcoat, thanks to which he was able to march and fight in the harsh conditions of winter.
This set includes 15 regular, 3 command, 3 drummer strips with 4 miniatures per each, totalling 84 miniatures.
The infantry in the Western theater of ACW had more varied headgear, often wearing different kinds of hats. Hence, all figures in this set will have different types of hats (eg, Hardee). For more variety, this set can be mixed with the Union GML-US-021 infantry set.
The set will include 4 types of privates in different poses, two flag sergeants, a drummer and an officer with a saber extended forward. Everyone will be wearing greatcoats. Privates keep their rifles in the “shoulder arms” position (according to the regulations, on the right shoulder).

3 Highland Infantry Brigades
The Scottish highlanders are one of the toughest soldiers that 19th-century Europe has produced. From the battlefields of Crimea to India and China, they showed their bravery in battle.
This set includes 15 regular, 3 command, 3 pipers strips with 4 miniatures per each and 18 miniatures of infantry in shooting positions, totalling 102 miniatures.
What could be more beautiful on the battle table than regiments of Scottish Highland infantry, clad in kilts and encouraged to fight by the sounds of Scottish bagpipes. This set is “must-have” for any general who wants to command the British. It will consist of two types of privates, two flagship, an officer, a piper and two privates in shooting positions. Scots uniforms in this set are based on those from the Crimean War. Are you ready to form a thin red line?

We hope you will like the sets 🙂
The figures presented above will be released in the first quarter of 2021. The sets can be ordered here:

Warning: All models are in 6 mm scale and are unpainted. Glue, paints, bases and flags not included. All miniatures are 3D printed in resin and can break if not handled properly. Contains small parts and is not suitable for children under 14 years old.