This is a painting guide written by our friend: Rafal Piatek, who painted for us several dozens of our bases with miniatures for Gods of war: Robert E. Lee. His experience can be helpful for you.
The most important rule: in 6 mm miniatures, it is NOT a detail of the miniatures important but a whole effect of an army. The more you focus on trying to paint many details, the more you will make your work harder and the end result will not be noticeable. You will not be able to see these details from a distance of half a meter, and during the battle you will observe miniatures from an even greater distance. The 6-mm scale is used to play great battles, and it is not meant to bring joy to the details of individual miniatures. Of course, a certain amount of detail is needed, because it affects positively the view of the entire unit, we can include belts, pouches, belt buckles, etc. Ultimately, the level of detail depends only on you.
Official painter’s diary 6 mm
It is worth to make sure that the base coat which we will use at the beginning, was in a similar color to what we want to achieve, that is for the Union’s units we should use navy blue, and for the Confederacy, gray. I used sprays bought in the Castorama shop, Duplicolor series for the car. They paint very well and firmly adhere. The plus here is the price. You can also use some professional base coat, of wargaming companies. Make sure that they are dull and mix well before use. In the use of colored paints the idea is to make the undercoat at the same as the first layer of color, due to the small detail that is easy to cover with to much paint. I used Vallejo paints from the Model Color palette to paint my miniatures.
Manufacturer’s advice: Make sure that the colors are not too dark! On the table, with poor lighting, miniatures of the Union and the Confederacy may merge, this is especially visible in the artillery, which is not distinguished by banners. We advise, therefore, that the blue and gray you use are rather lighter than dark. When painting a 6 mm scale, contrast is very important – the bigger the better. This positively affects the view of the unit from a distance (and it is still necessary to remember that the view of the unit from a distance is the most important criterion for successful painting of 6 mm figures).